31 May 2012

I haven't blogged for quite a while as my camera died on me and I haven't been able to put up any photos.

I recently had a stall at the Made 'n Thornbury Craft Market and had a great day. They included photos of my crocheted vege bowls on their wrap up blog and they photographed really well. They sold well also, so that was a bonus. Hope you like them.

See more crafty people on their blog and market details if you're interested.
 See  http://madenthornbury.blogspot.com.au/

That's me for today. I got a new camera for my birthday, so hopefully some more photos soon.



  1. I LOVE them Donna!
    No wonder they sold well x

  2. Thanks Kylie! They are so much fun to make and put a smile on everyone's face. What more can you ask for.
